11.   If negligence is alleged against a general practitioner the plaintiff can sue the doctor directly, as general practitioners are solely responsible for the treatment of patients.

12.   The plaintiff sued and recovered damages.

13.   The defendants failed to remove the buttresses and the plaintiff sued again.

14.   Only in these five cases may the plaintiff sue for slander without having to prove financial loss.

15.   Some furs were stolen from the room while the plaintiffs were out, and the plaintiffs sued the hotel.

16.   After a few weeks other problems appeared and the plaintiff sued for the cost of repairing them.

17.   Asbestos-injury plaintiffs successfully sued Raytech in an Oregon federal court to hold it liable for any damages against Raymark.

18.   Before, plaintiffs could sue only for lost wages, making it difficult to get lawyers to take up their cause.

19.   Black plaintiffs have sued automobile finance companies because, they say, the companies charged them more for their loans than they charged comparable white borrowers.

20.   But more and more, the drug companies anticipate, plaintiffs will sue for complications allegedly caused by taking a drug that was advertised.

n. + sue >>共 412
patient 7.42%
company 4.93%
state 4.09%
group 3.74%
shareholder 2.89%
family 2.89%
government 2.64%
plaintiff 2.14%
people 2.09%
victim 1.89%
plaintiff + v. >>共 273
be 12.40%
say 8.25%
have 5.50%
seek 3.96%
claim 3.26%
argue 2.81%
sue 2.75%
allege 2.24%
include 2.05%
win 1.98%
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