11.   The plaintiffs included a political action committee called Shrink Missouri Government, of which Schock is treasurer, and former state Sen. Fred Dyer of St. Charles.

12.   The plaintiffs include high school seniors and students who have yet to reach high school age.

13.   The plaintiffs include Paul Schmidt of Fort Lee, N.J. and Arthur Odabash of Demarest, N.J., and their suit seeks unspecified damages.

14.   The plaintiffs included demonstrators who had been arrested last fall for wearing black bandanas during a protest against labor practices outside a Niketown store.

15.   The plaintiffs include investigators, detention officers, border patrol agents, port officials and clerical staff.

16.   Yet plaintiff included hundreds of pages of exhibits to her Opposition relating to all of these individuals and others.

17.   Other plaintiffs include Citizen Action New York, Citizen Action New Jersey, Health Action New Mexico and several individuals who used the drug.

18.   Plaintiffs including MGM Studios, Columbia Pictures, and the Sony and Warner music groups, filed suit late Tuesday in Los Angeles federal court.

19.   In addition to Amalgamated Bank, the plaintiffs include the University of California and pension funds for Georgia, Ohio and Florida.

20.   In addition to Rifkin, the plaintiffs will include individual farmers and the National Family Farm Coalition.

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