11.   Ozone is the primary ingredient of photochemical smog that plagues urban areas in summer.

12.   Ozone is the primary ingredient of the photochemical smog that plagues urban areas in warm season.

13.   Opponents in Hartwell say video poker has plagued their area since South Carolina banned the games last year.

14.   Patchy sleet and freezing rain will plague areas just inland from the central Gulf of Mexico Coast on Friday as weak low pressure slides east.

15.   Police said the gang has long plagued the area with street robberies and other violent attacks on residents, including at least five slayings last year.

16.   Rain showers and mountain snow will plague areas in the Pacific Northwest and extreme northern California as a weak storm moves ashore.

17.   Some patchy light rain or drizzle will plague coastal areas, especially Wednesday morning.

18.   The area has been plagued with stubborn, health-threatening levels of summertime photochemical smog for the last several years.

19.   The area has been plagued by droughts which has reeked havoc with foliage, cattle prices have remained stagnant and feed prices have increased.

20.   The city and county won for insight, grit and vision they have employed in attempting to solve seemingly unsolvable problems that plague urban areas.

v. + area >>共 728
leave 4.17%
search 2.80%
cover 2.79%
visit 2.64%
patrol 2.46%
enter 2.42%
flee 2.30%
reach 1.79%
hit 1.70%
clear 1.55%
plague 0.24%
plague + n. >>共 451
country 5.91%
region 4.64%
company 2.81%
team 2.74%
industry 2.53%
area 2.11%
government 1.90%
part 1.55%
project 1.55%
program 1.48%
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