11.   Photographer captures Khmer Rouge genocide on film.

12.   A news photographer captured her in her uniform, guiding a bleeding man to safety.

13.   After the separation, a photographer captured her American financial adviser sucking her toe.

14.   But news photographers captured it on film.

15.   Later, smiling NATO soldiers hugged orphans while NATO photographers captured a moment largely lost on the society it was meant to reach.

16.   Look through some books on architecture and see how the photographer has captured the various aspects of a building.

17.   That also was a time of tension, but the photographer captured moments of cooperation.

18.   The Wizards set up a semicircle barricade of folding chairs for Jordan to stand behind, and photographers captured the surreal scene from a walkway directly above.

19.   There was no official confirmation of the surprise meeting and no word of its substance, but news photographers captured the meeting on film.

20.   An Israeli amateur photographer captured the assassination last month of prime minister Yitzhak Rabin on film, state radio reported Tuesday.

n. + capture >>共 634
force 11.25%
troop 8.40%
rebel 6.12%
police 5.96%
camera 3.43%
soldier 2.94%
military 2.36%
army 2.27%
film 1.41%
militia 1.32%
photographer 0.99%
photographer + v. >>共 376
be 9.73%
say 7.37%
have 4.79%
take 4.79%
see 4.10%
snap 4.03%
capture 1.82%
use 1.29%
pursue 1.29%
report 1.29%
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