11.   Monthly variations in stock prices are just one of several seasonal patterns that some people on Wall Street study.

12.   Most fly people still study the development of the embryo, but many are now using the fly to explore the genetics of behavior.

13.   Now people study the charred metal and see a Roman coliseum, a Gothic cathedral, a ship, a bird in flight, a hand reaching to heaven.

14.   People are studying Sukarno for clues as to what kind of leader his daughter would make.

15.   PLANET When people in ancient Greece studied the sky, they noticed that some heavenly objects appeared to move while others seemed to stay in place.

16.   People are studying the Ainu language, which had almost died out, as well as old traditions such as weaving bark cloth or making dugout canoes.

17.   Placing their hopes on more education, young people study obsessively for the university entrance exam.

18.   She says she also vaguely recalls switching from the negative to the positive after someone suggested that in psychology people studied their own worries.

19.   Some people study shopping in labs, charting mood, behavior or galvanic skin response in simulated retail situations.

20.   Some people study foliage or birds for seasonal changes.

n. + study >>共 571
scientist 5.76%
government 5.22%
researcher 4.99%
student 4.60%
official 4.56%
time 3.94%
company 3.44%
commission 2.16%
group 2.01%
committee 1.89%
people 1.04%
people + v. >>共 719
be 13.89%
have 4.14%
die 3.56%
say 2.67%
think 2.15%
want 2.12%
get 1.42%
go 1.34%
come 1.33%
take 1.32%
study 0.03%
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