11.   After that, ISDN users pay a penny a minute for each channel used on a data call, and the regular rate for voice calls.

12.   Ceiling fans are an excellent choice for this strategy, because they move large amounts of air continuously and cost just pennies a day to operate.

13.   Folic acid is so inexpensive that fortification should add just pennies a year to the cost to consumers of enriched grains.

14.   For most, the only alternative was seasonal farming labor, which paid as little as a few pennies a day.

15.   For pennies a fan, businesses are able to turn the faithful into standing, swaying billboards.

16.   Fund managers argue that their trading costs are negligible -- some pay just pennies a share in commissions.

17.   He for one would be happy to sell his writing online for, say, a penny a page.

18.   He told them it was piecework, paying a penny a brush.

19.   He said the slow sales might reduce earnings for the quarter by a few pennies a share.

20.   In addition, he said Sunbeam will no longer pay shareholders a quarterly dividend of a penny a share.

n. + a >>共 1009
time 17.70%
dollar 5.21%
meal 1.75%
hour 1.72%
night 1.42%
day 1.27%
flight 1.25%
game 0.76%
people 0.75%
penny 0.70%
penny + p. >>共 38
a 17.89%
of 12.93%
on 11.21%
in 10.56%
per 8.84%
for 8.41%
from 7.54%
to 4.31%
short_of 2.59%
at 2.16%
每页显示:    共 82