11.   Bacon supplies continued to build last month as peak demand season approached, U.S. Agriculture Department figures showed.

12.   A network operating system must be capable of routing traffic to optimally utilize the available network hardware and bandwidth during peak demand.

13.   According to Linderman, gas plants are used mainly to meet peak demand, leaving coal and nuclear power stations to do the heavy lifting of day-to-day supply.

14.   After all, it is only fair that motorists using the highways when they are at peak demand should pay more than those willing to travel earlier or later.

15.   Airplane seats and hotel rooms are at their peak demand between December and March, and tour operators have already negotiated their winter rates, Hernandez said.

16.   But a plant designed to kick in at periods of peak demand rather than a base-load plant like Dabhol could have dealt with this.

17.   But the engine can also be smaller, because the electric motor meets part of the peak power demand.

18.   But this is the first time it will occur statewide throughout an entire period of peak power demand.

19.   Cattle futures were steady before a government report that showed a surge of cattle are likely to reach market this summer during a time of peak demand for beef.

20.   Concern is growing that a recent spate of refinery problems could drain inventories at a time of peak demand from vacationing motorists.

n. + demand >>共 747
consumer 16.65%
export 5.28%
world 3.79%
opposition 3.58%
ransom 3.41%
investor 3.23%
rebel 3.00%
market 2.80%
customer 2.23%
oil 1.76%
peak 1.67%
peak + n. >>共 157
season 15.03%
form 11.58%
period 10.35%
hour 9.51%
time 8.90%
demand 7.13%
condition 2.91%
summer 2.84%
performance 2.07%
level 2.07%
每页显示:    共 92