11.   Some resorts also offer promotional discounts if you pay with one specific credit card or another.

12.   Who owns the reproduction rights and profits for a piece of art work paid for with public and private money?

13.   He still paid with violent headaches, but it could have been so much worse.

14.   A dividend may be paid with Master Smith having disclaimed his dividend.

15.   So Miss pays with compliments.

16.   But as a member of the Swindon LETS -- or Local Exchange Trading System -- she CAN pay with a brand new currency.

17.   This scheme specifies the maximum rate per mile which may be paid with no benefit-in-kind implications for the employee.

18.   We do owe a debt to be paid with grateful remembrance of the sacrifices you and your comrades made.

19.   You paid, you paid me with it.

20.   And for your next job ...insist that you get paid with a check.

v. + with >>共 1051
work 7.83%
come 4.23%
begin 2.27%
cover 1.84%
stay 1.56%
struggle 1.44%
sign 1.35%
combine 1.34%
follow 1.19%
move 0.94%
pay 0.22%
pay + p. >>共 92
in 22.93%
off 16.99%
on 10.89%
with 9.42%
down 8.38%
by 5.09%
at 3.58%
from 2.44%
through 2.16%
out_of 2.14%
每页显示:    共 476