11.   Opposition demonstrators have erected barricades in roads leading to the parliament building.

12.   Carlson had been ordered to prevent the civil war exploding in the parliament building.

13.   Hundreds of armed riot police are surrounding the Russian parliament building and pro-Communist rebels inside have been given twenty-four hours to surrender.

14.   Recently, it won the commission to design the new Ghanaian parliament building -- the country only having recently returned to democracy.

15.   Outside the parliament building several hundred diehard Communists shouted anti-Yeltsin slogans and waved red flags.

16.   A Chechen spokesman, Movladi Udugov, said that a bomb hit the Chechen parliament building Thursday afternoon, killing seven people.

17.   Clearly under orders to keep the demonstrators far away, the military stood in massed formations along the roads leading to the parliament building.

18.   Inside the green-roofed parliament building, there is a sense of excitement and empowerment as legislators work to craft the future outlines of their government.

19.   Military tents were burned in a park near the parliament building and an army truck was burned near the University of Indonesia.

n. + building >>共 813
office 18.62%
government 14.60%
parliament 5.31%
school 4.17%
brick 2.50%
embassy 1.91%
court 1.81%
administration 1.52%
three-story 1.42%
settlement 1.24%
parliament + n. >>共 200
speaker 22.45%
building 18.19%
member 10.11%
session 6.49%
deputy 3.53%
seat 3.48%
vote 3.14%
leader 2.45%
attack 2.24%
election 1.51%
每页显示:    共 421