11.   It is also necessary to determine how much weight, if any, Clinton gave to these contributions as he considered the pardon request.

12.   Nolan told the panel that by the end of last year the White House was overwhelmed with pardon requests.

13.   Quinn said he spoke with Dozoretz over Thanksgiving weekend last year and told her that he would be filing a pardon request on behalf of Rich.

14.   Quinn said he cautioned Dozoretz not to connect the pardon request with fund-raising activities when discussing the Rich case with Clinton.

15.   The former deputy attorney general, Eric Holder, testified on Wednesday that he was unaware that the Rich pardon request had not gone through normal channels.

16.   The Justice Department should recognize that disclosure of pardon applications is appropriate, given that pardon requests seek extraordinary relief from the normal judicial process.

17.   The pardon request for Young, the aide said, went to the Justice Department and then was forwarded to the White House.

18.   The pardon request is now before the Justice Department, which will review it and make a recommendation to President Clinton.

19.   Under Justice Department guidelines, pardon requests generally are not accepted until five years after a sentence has been completed.

20.   Among the pardon requests he declined were those involving convicted murderers and drug traffickers.

n. + request >>共 487
extradition 21.28%
interview 10.91%
asylum 4.76%
defense 4.72%
budget 2.67%
government 2.43%
prosecution 2.12%
visa 1.74%
medium 1.40%
trade 1.27%
pardon 0.92%
pardon + n. >>共 55
request 13.43%
application 12.94%
attorney 6.97%
decision 5.47%
power 4.98%
board 4.48%
commission 4.48%
process 3.98%
issue 3.48%
petition 3.48%
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