11.   Hence his presence in Melbourne, where even the general location of his rented house rated as front page news.

12.   In our pre-Watergate innocence, before presidential philandering became front page news, we concluded that these supposed government cover-ups were nothing more than colossal tall tales.

13.   Our bad days get to be front page news.

14.   Rats and mice have made more front page news in the last six months than in the entire history of rodenthood.

15.   The case was front page news in Germany, which has no death pen alty.

16.   The brain surgery mistake at Sloan-Kettering had been front page news.

17.   The killings were front page news in Europe and the United States the next day.

18.   The NATO strikes are front page news here and the government hosted a press conference where a Yugoslav embassy official talked about the conflict.

19.   The last time Interneuron had bad results the story was front page news.

20.   When the petition was dropped this week as the Jordans attempt reconciliation, it was front page news again.

n. + news >>共 365
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