11.   Hardy, who had worked as a gardener and a chauffeur for a well-to-do white family, was working at a packing plant.

12.   He also pointed out the meat packing plant where he worked the summer after graduating from Macalester College in St. Paul.

13.   Hardy, who had worked as a gardener and a chauffeur for a well-to-do white family, was working at a packing plant when he met Donald Anderson.

14.   He worries that more packing plants might close because they are inefficient money losers.

15.   IBP and Sand Systems of Columbus, Neb., recently agreed to build hog farms and a packing plant in China.

16.   Its economy is based on agriculture, fruit packing plants, and fruit storage facilities.

17.   Its packing and shipping problems hampered widespread distribution of the Flavr Savr tomatoes before new packing plants were opened this spring.

18.   Last month the Department of Agriculture proposed legislation to improve safety standards for packing plants that handle raw meat and poultry.

19.   Many of the tissues and brain samples were destroyed when the packing plant closed, and the whereabouts of the other samples are a mystery.

20.   Most of that material will be the offal from the ConAgra packing plant.

a. + plant >>共 744
nuclear 9.40%
new 8.26%
manufacturing 3.71%
processing 2.82%
chemical 2.15%
native 1.83%
industrial 1.27%
potted 1.24%
generating 1.22%
bottling 1.19%
packing 0.52%
packing + n. >>共 147
plant 12.73%
material 11.59%
house 6.59%
crate 5.68%
list 3.64%
box 3.64%
heat 3.18%
company 2.73%
tape 2.50%
shed 2.05%
每页显示:    共 56