11.   In recent years, conservatives, who favor emphasizing Second Amendment gun ownership rights over sporting issues, have controlled the board.

12.   Meanwhile, the pro-gun forces take gun ownership rights very, very seriously.

13.   Many universities require a person working on a grant project to sign a patent and copyright agreement that cedes ownership rights to the university.

14.   Placer said Friday market speculation about its ownership rights at the deposit was unfounded.

15.   Primary capital certificates in Norwegian savings banks are traded and give dividends like common stock, but carry no ownership rights.

16.   Private firms can retain ownership rights and obtain patents, with potential to reap tremendous profit off the breakthrough technology.

17.   Some Western and Chinese economists have advocated granting private ownership rights, so land can be sold and consolidated.

18.   That financial benefit has in the past been given out only to stars who had ownership rights in a show, like Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Cosby.

19.   That will allow ownership rights to be registered, among other information.

20.   The items were to be put in storage until the judge officially rules on the ownership rights.

n. + right >>共 1333
abortion 17.98%
property 9.80%
minority 2.88%
television 2.67%
privacy 2.19%
land 2.00%
labor 1.84%
visitation 1.39%
free-speech 1.31%
worker 1.27%
ownership 0.86%
ownership + n. >>共 203
group 11.78%
stake 8.32%
structure 5.77%
rule 5.60%
right 4.86%
limit 4.20%
restriction 4.20%
interest 4.12%
change 3.79%
dispute 2.97%
每页显示:    共 59