11.   Eighty-four per cent work six days a week and receive no overtime wages.

12.   Former Allstate Insurance Co. agents nationwide filed a lawsuit Wednesday seeking payment for three years of overtime wages they claim they are owed.

13.   The commission has recommended that the airline freeze salaries, reduce overtime wages and allow one day less paid vacation each year for its staff.

n. + wage >>共 150
money 13.37%
product 4.07%
overtime 3.78%
subsistence 3.78%
starvation 2.62%
employee 2.33%
worker 2.33%
staff 2.33%
contract 1.45%
slave 1.45%
overtime + n. >>共 132
pay 16.58%
game 10.03%
loss 7.09%
hour 6.22%
victory 6.11%
period 5.78%
work 5.34%
cost 3.16%
win 3.05%
goal 2.62%
wage 1.42%
每页显示:    共 13