11.   The food service industry has joined others in a new alliance aimed at bringing more overseas workers into the country to fill empty jobs.

12.   The issue is politically sensitive, especially for Democrats, because organized labor has expressed concern over the loss of US manufacturing jobs to overseas workers.

13.   The Philippine experiment is beginning to be copied by other countries with foreign trade deficits and large numbers of overseas workers, like China and Pakistan, Lim said.

14.   Their goal was to draw attention to the loss of American jobs to overseas workers who earn far less money and sometimes work in conditions below US standards.

15.   U.S. companies, especially those in the high-tech industry, have turned increasingly to overseas workers in recent years to fill skilled technical positions.

16.   Without better support for overseas workers, the Democrats argued, companies will move more US jobs to low-wage nations with weak labor laws.

17.   Overseas Filipino workers are the biggest foreign exchange earners for the country.

18.   Overseas workers often complain of harsh working conditions.

19.   Overseas workers have seen good and purposeful governments and naturally desire for their country to copy the same.

20.   A leading coalition member, Connie Bragas-Regalado, said they wanted the Philippine government to explain what they did with the money collected from overseas workers.

a. + worker >>共 830
foreign 4.63%
postal 3.69%
emergency 2.72%
migrant 2.36%
american 2.36%
state 2.23%
skilled 2.00%
striking 1.81%
palestinian 1.71%
illegal 1.70%
overseas 0.49%
overseas + n. >>共 896
market 12.48%
investor 4.23%
sale 3.32%
investment 2.54%
operation 2.46%
trip 2.40%
earnings 2.26%
ballot 2.16%
buyer 1.57%
worker 1.37%
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