11.   Yang said the move was made in response to the growing number of advertisements that mislead consumers with outrageous claims for medical panaceas and chemicals that triple agricultural production.

a. + claim >>共 999
immediate 5.77%
jobless 4.70%
insurance 3.19%
new 2.78%
false 2.62%
territorial 2.54%
conflicting 2.41%
similar 2.16%
legal 2.08%
initial 1.76%
outrageous 0.17%
outrageous + n. >>共 387
behavior 5.71%
thing 2.85%
price 2.43%
costume 2.00%
statement 1.71%
conduct 1.57%
claim 1.57%
fortune 1.43%
character 1.28%
comment 1.28%
每页显示:    共 11