11.   Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed outlawing certain uses of nine chemicals, including some pesticides commonly used by wheat and fruit farmers.

12.   Oregon outlawed the use of peyote in all circumstances, despite the fact that Congress had made it legal for NAC members to use it in religious worship.

13.   Recent legislation has outlawed the use of lead in paint and gasoline, so new homes are virtually lead-free.

14.   Rep. Lane Evans, D-Rock Island, introduces legislation to outlaw the use of antipersonnel landmines for one year.

15.   So what happens if California outlaws the use of hand-held phones in cars?

16.   The countries for outlawing the use of nuclear arms argued that they cause devastation far beyond their intended targets and affect generations unborn.

17.   The minor leagues have outlawed use of any form of chewing and dipping tobacco, but those products still are permitted by all major league clubs.

18.   The Royal Ulster Constabulary and the British army used plastic bullets against civilians, mostly Catholics, while their use was outlawed in the rest of the United Kingdom.

19.   Their measure would outlaw the use of credit or debit cards, electronic fund transfers, checks, etc., to conduct any Internet gambling, period.

20.   They outlaw the use and threat of violence, to be sure, but both are already outlawed by custom and by American law.

v. + use >>共 447
make 12.53%
have 5.24%
ban 3.97%
allow 2.43%
include 2.31%
oppose 2.28%
limit 2.27%
prohibit 2.20%
involve 1.93%
promote 1.77%
outlaw 0.34%
outlaw + n. >>共 428
abortion 5.62%
practice 5.37%
party 4.51%
group 4.34%
discrimination 3.75%
use 2.98%
sale 1.87%
form 1.45%
money 1.19%
marriage 1.19%
每页显示:    共 35