11.   Both Eritrea and Ethiopia back the goals of the NDA, which seeks to oust the government of Sudanese President Omar El-Beshir.

12.   Both sides claimed to have control of the capital and the rebels insisted the government had been ousted.

13.   But there is no sign yet that the rebels have the force to oust the government, which the West accuses of backing terrorism.

14.   Chaudhry said he had raised money during the tour which would be used to fund a legal challenge to military decrees that formally ousted his government.

15.   Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov accused the administration of causing the crisis, and said the only solution was to oust the government.

16.   Dzurinda became prime minister last October after an opposition coalition ousted the government of authoritarian premier Vladimir Meciar in parliamentary elections.

17.   Fears that a similar outburst could happen in Burundi were heightened just over a week ago when the military ousted the government.

18.   He took over when the army ousted the civilian government of Nawaz Sharif, who was imprisoned but is now living in exile in Saudi Arabia.

19.   His government was ousted briefly the next year by King Letsie III but was reinstalled under pressure from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana.

20.   Hundreds of thousands of Afghans have gone home since the rigid Taliban government was ousted last December.

v. + government >>共 708
accuse 10.94%
criticize 3.91%
overthrow 3.61%
say 2.62%
topple 2.48%
join 1.86%
support 1.60%
blame 1.59%
form 1.59%
fight 1.53%
oust 0.56%
oust + n. >>共 222
government 10.06%
president 9.02%
leader 4.74%
dictator 4.28%
rebel 4.05%
force 3.12%
troop 2.54%
member 2.54%
champion 2.31%
seed 2.08%
每页显示:    共 87