11.   Casino workers, unlike hotel and restaurant workers, have not organized a union and work at the pleasure of management.

12.   Federal laws give workers the right to organize a union.

13.   He said the conditions for the workers there were so bad that he helped them organize a union, which cost him his job.

14.   He might tell them how hard it was to organize unions these days against a backdrop of budget cuts and conservatism.

15.   He said competitors met at the National Finals in December and plan to meet again at the Houston Livestock Show in March to discuss organizing a union.

16.   Human rights groups say that elsewhere in China, workers who disobey their union chiefs or try to organize independent unions are automatically fired or worse.

17.   Or a company can fire employees who are organizing the union and escape with little more than a slap on the wrist.

18.   The Dunlop commission offered a balanced set of reforms that would make the right to organize unions a realized fact and not just a legal fiction.

19.   The freedom to organize a union is part of our free enterprise system, said Green.

20.   The Mexican administrative office determined that the plant was closed to prevent the workers from organizing a union, in clear violation of U.S. law.

v. + union >>共 462
join 10.75%
decertify 3.08%
support 2.47%
say 2.47%
recognize 2.42%
accuse 2.27%
have 1.72%
organize 1.72%
oppose 1.62%
break 1.51%
organize + n. >>共 1011
protest 4.80%
demonstration 3.22%
event 3.11%
rally 2.97%
meeting 2.53%
conference 2.37%
election 2.32%
trip 2.05%
group 2.01%
march 1.61%
union 0.62%
每页显示:    共 34