11.   Each now contends that an oral agreement was reached on their respective claims and that they have witnesses to back them up.

12.   He said he decided to issue the order because Shechet violated an oral agreement with the cathedral by building a larger installation than agreed to.

13.   If Knoblauch overcomes his throwing trouble and regains his All-Star status, the oral agreement would probably be finalized.

14.   In fact, Nelson said a reporter first tipped him off Wednesday night that Thomas was about to renege on the oral agreement he gave the Mavericks on Tuesday.

15.   In addition, they said, the professors made oral agreements with Netscape executives to keep sensitive material out of the public domain.

16.   King did reach an oral agreement with Park Service officials last week that resolved some of the major differences between the two sides.

17.   Lakers officials, burned last summer when Kendall Gill reneged after making an oral agreement, are mum on the issue.

18.   Most important, she said, to keep her luck going she struck oral agreements with casino executives wherever she gambled.

19.   Officials with the Raiders and Hollywood Park have reached oral agreements on almost all the major points.

20.   Oral agreements can be binding, but they are often difficult to prove.

a. + agreement >>共 609
new 6.29%
final 4.68%
tentative 3.61%
international 3.27%
bilateral 2.98%
licensing 2.61%
similar 2.56%
such 1.91%
preliminary 1.54%
formal 1.52%
oral 0.36%
oral + n. >>共 289
argument 20.48%
commitment 5.60%
vaccine 4.03%
agreement 3.34%
rehydration 2.25%
medication 2.25%
drug 2.12%
surgeon 2.12%
cancer 2.05%
health 1.84%
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