11.   Gas flares and raging fires in open pits foul the air.

12.   Goldcorp owns an open pit gold mine in South Dakota and two industrial mines in Saskatchewan and New Brunswick.

13.   He said he was originally ordered to open the account by Barings management to reconcile mismatched trades in the open trading pit at the Singapore International Monetary Exchange.

14.   Its squabbling bourses still cling to their open trading pits in the face of technological change that will almost certainly make them redundant.

15.   Lihir Gold said mining will initially take place in two open pits.

16.   Montana residents will decide whether to ban the use of cyanide in most open pit gold and silver mining.

17.   Nearby are open circular pits -- kivas that were underground -- and a square section of clay walls.

18.   Now, the streets are still choked with donkey carts and meat still sizzles on open pits, but the vendors are poor men selling simple things.

19.   On this sad day a young boy, Zevy, stood naked with his father at an open pit.

20.   So the Nazis began to burn the bodies of their victims in huge open fires that were set in open pits.

a. + pit >>共 243
open 8.59%
sand 4.88%
bottomless 4.55%
trading 4.38%
deep 2.69%
large 2.36%
burial 2.02%
waste 2.02%
new 1.52%
small 1.52%
open + n. >>共 863
space 5.41%
field 2.69%
mind 2.21%
window 2.03%
court 1.94%
seat 1.79%
air 1.65%
arm 1.63%
fire 1.59%
sky 1.51%
pit 0.39%
每页显示:    共 51