11.   Army officials suspect McCandlish is looking at raw data, which could be misinterpreted without the necessary information about how the air monitoring machines are calibrated, Binder said.

12.   But EU officials suspect Ottawa is trying to muddy the waters, to put the EU in a weak position going into the NAFO meeting.

13.   Damage from the anthrax-by-mail attack spiraled, with two postal workers dead of what officials suspect was inhalation anthrax and two more hospitalized.

14.   He drew a contrast with concern over a massive underground facility north of Pyongyang which U.S. officials suspect may be used to hide a nuclear weaponry program.

15.   Investigators found that the anthrax involved responds to antibiotics, Gerberding added, and officials suspect that Nguyen may have sought treatment too late for the drugs to work.

16.   Officials suspect the deaths may be related to an outbreak of red tide, but that has not been confirmed pending laboratory tests.

17.   Officials suspect Padilla got the cash from al-Qaida, possibly while in transit in Switzerland, the official said.

18.   Officials suspect a gas leak, said Capt. Sergei Kalita, duty officer at the Interior Ministry office in St. Petersburg.

19.   Some may be hiding in the hills, as U.N. officials suspect.

20.   The home of a former Japan Airlines president was found riddled with bullets last week in what officials suspect was an attempt by extortionists to intimidate the company.

n. + suspect >>共 270
terror 11.13%
murder 9.43%
genocide 7.59%
terrorism 6.74%
police 5.18%
drug 4.26%
robbery 3.62%
crime 2.91%
war-crimes 2.62%
official 2.20%
official + n. >>共 397
say 16.02%
close 7.30%
fear 6.04%
point 4.84%
hope 3.87%
claim 3.06%
suspect 2.31%
hostage 2.16%
worry 1.79%
access 1.56%
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