11.   A U.S. Embassy official later handed a letter of apology to the protesters.

12.   Azerbaijani officials on Wednesday handed over to Egyptian authorities an Egyptian citizen accused of involvement in terrorism, security officials said.

13.   Baath Party branches in Baghdad were crammed with civilians Saturday evening, as officials handed out military uniforms and automatic rifles to party members.

14.   But officials did not hand him over for trial because they thought him mentally unstable, it said.

15.   Chechen officials handed over three kidnapped Russian policemen in exchange for the release of three Chechens, the ITAR-Tass news agency said Monday.

16.   Elsewhere, Chinese health officials handed out condoms at railroad stations, and newspapers carried touching articles about AIDS victims.

17.   Government officials handed out thick booklets with ambitious plans for regional highways, airports and railroads.

18.   Greek officials handed over the detained to Turkish authorities.

19.   Georgia state officials on Tuesday handed over to federal authorities the first group of prisoners who will be deported to their home countries.

20.   Holyfield believes Nevada officials should hand down a stern penalty.

n. + hand >>共 623
court 6.36%
government 3.10%
official 2.61%
authority 2.39%
police 2.23%
judge 1.90%
rebel 1.74%
worker 1.52%
sentence 1.47%
group 1.30%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
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hand 0.03%
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