11.   At noon IMF officials complain.

12.   Blake accused the USOC of an unwillingness to change, while officials complained about his harsh management style.

13.   A U.S. official complained, so they added another player to make it a threesome.

14.   Administration officials complained that spot checks on medical research facilities authorized by the convention would be too intrusive and would expose U.S. companies to industrial espionage.

15.   African National Congress officials had been complaining that a fair election was not possible in the province, which is dominated by Inkatha.

16.   Afghan officials complain bitterly of the lack of international help to their country.

17.   After baseball officials complained bitterly, USA Today agreed to give baseball, at no cost, a full-page advertisement to deliver any message it desires.

18.   After development board and county officials complained, the commission conducted another inspection.

19.   Alliance officials have complained that they have received little new military equipment.

20.   Also, Wednesday, European officials complained that the United States was overreacting to the crisis.

n. + complain >>共 945
official 6.16%
critic 3.75%
people 3.67%
resident 3.26%
group 2.84%
leader 2.03%
company 1.64%
player 1.54%
woman 1.48%
worker 1.45%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
complain 0.28%
每页显示:    共 489