11.   Marvin Smilon, a spokesman for U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White, said that her office was reviewing the incident.

12.   My office is still reviewing whether we are going to take some action here or not.

13.   Rock, the marshal, said his office also would review procedures.

14.   Russell Willard, a spokesman for state Attorney General Thurbert Baker, said his office was reviewing the ruling to determine what the next course of action would be.

15.   She said her office is reviewing how Excel monitors its representatives, as well as other company policies.

16.   Steve Telliano, press secretary for state Attorney General Dan Lungren, said his office was reviewing whether to appeal the decision.

17.   That disclosure concerns state Attorney General Scott Harshbarger, whose office reviews such mergers with an eye to antitrust concerns like a loss of industry competition or customer service.

18.   The budget office traditionally reviews proposed rules for cost-effectiveness and consistency with other regulations.

19.   The finance office reviewed the claims of dead members on the rolls in July, looking at a sample of cases and declaring there was no problem.

20.   The league office reviewed the play but levied no fine against Marshall, who now is an unrestricted free agent and will not return to the Cardinals.

n. + review >>共 410
official 7.33%
government 5.61%
company 3.93%
committee 3.35%
agency 3.22%
administration 3.10%
court 2.68%
board 2.18%
investigator 2.13%
commission 1.97%
office 1.72%
office + v. >>共 716
be 18.08%
say 13.93%
have 5.34%
receive 2.58%
open 1.34%
close 1.29%
announce 1.00%
provide 1.00%
investigate 1.00%
remain 0.94%
review 0.65%
每页显示:    共 41