11.   As prosperity returns, greed mounts, and the pursuit of money for its own sake often obscures the fact that honest riches are the product of honest endeavors.

12.   A player, it would seem, but even that fact is obscured by the almighty dollar sign.

13.   But familiarity should not obscure the fact that such a deeply divided Supreme Court is not, historically, at all routine.

14.   But new taxes and fees added to tickets at airports are obscuring that fact, the airline industry wants you to know.

15.   But that cannot obscure the fact that an evil system must be dismantled.

16.   But that cannot obscure the fact that for the first time, a president has committed this country to changing the ways it produces and uses energy.

17.   But that should not obscure the fact that in a world with hesitant investors, countries that deserve support may have to turn to the IMF.

18.   But the bickering obscures the fact that this city within a city, as residents like to call their community, is at a difficult crossroads.

19.   But the publicity must not obscure the facts.

20.   But that should not obscure the fact that he had a terrific career.

v. + fact >>共 528
ignore 3.93%
reflect 3.79%
accept 3.61%
like 3.27%
hide 3.06%
face 2.45%
know 2.13%
overlook 1.53%
appreciate 1.48%
obscure 1.42%
obscure + n. >>共 297
fact 9.22%
view 9.04%
face 4.78%
sun 3.24%
vision 2.05%
reality 1.88%
truth 1.88%
part 1.37%
visibility 1.37%
issue 1.02%
每页显示:    共 54