11.   In the past year the CGR has developed a number of new applications of transgenic and genome technology which focus on a small number of areas of interest.

12.   The many new applications of mathematics in technology, management and environmental science have increased the demand for mathematics graduates in a wide range of occupations.

13.   Now it has submitted a new application and the council is supporting it once more.

14.   The new application removed plans for a dance floor from the scheme.

15.   The council does not have to consider a new application within two years, unless it differs substantially from the original.

16.   Although social security benefits and other checks would go out, the government would not process new applications.

17.   And the stock market, enamored of business-to-business software today, can discover a new pet Internet application in a snap.

18.   And Stata predicts a wave of new applications that could create a vast market for the micromachines.

19.   And with clever new applications of silicon chips coming out every day, it is easy to become, well, exuberant about the future.

20.   Another tack would require Microsoft to offer versions of its Windows operating system both with new applications that the company develops over time, and without them.

a. + application >>共 888
new 6.12%
practical 3.98%
patent 3.52%
commercial 2.57%
multimedia 2.55%
planning 2.23%
formal 2.00%
first 1.83%
potential 1.57%
military 1.54%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
product 0.92%
one 0.87%
job 0.82%
election 0.74%
application 0.08%
每页显示:    共 213