11.   Once again please send in details when they are needed... on time!

12.   Reminders about safety may be needed on some sites and agreements about appropriate standards of behaviour may need to be negotiated.

13.   Some explicit work on symbolism is necessary, and great care is needed on how this is done.

14.   There are other quotes but I will save these for my submission to District Council if needed on the fourth of January.

15.   INFORMATION needed on the following American aircraft serving with the RAF in the Burma campaign, for air observation, communication and casualty evacuation purposes.

16.   If you need more help on this, you can get in touch with me.

17.   We can certainly offer you everything you need on a self employed basis.

18.   On ferries you need the highest standards of safety systems.

19.   Durham county councillors confirmed this week that the homes would close, blaming competition from private homes, vacant places, and investment needed on council homes.

20.   I mean it would indicate that our budgets five thousand more than we really need on other years.

v. + on >>共 981
speak 4.52%
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get 1.45%
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need + p. >>共 92
for 42.39%
in 18.09%
to 6.13%
on 5.59%
from 4.15%
at 4.05%
as 2.68%
with 1.46%
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because_of 1.17%
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