11.   In other words, this is a confused and conflicted God who might strike a reader as needing a dose of Prozac.

12.   Maybe he needed this dose of humility.

13.   Maybe Ben Hur needs a dose of reality.

14.   Moreover, within two weeks your body will need larger doses, which can lead to addiction.

15.   Perhaps the Minutemen needed a dose of reality.

16.   So if you need your regular dose of sweating, swatting superstars, think good thoughts about Cablevision.

17.   Plenty, according to Hong Kong Gov. Chris Patten who said Tuesday Europeans need a dose of Asian hope and ambition.

18.   Pharmacia warned that delavirdine can raise blood levels of one protease inhibitor, indinavir, so patients trying such a cocktail may need adjusted doses.

19.   People who metabolize nicotine more quickly will need higher doses of nicotine-replacement therapy than slow metabolizers like the Chinese-Americans, he explained.

20.   Despite the weaknesses, there was some clear evidence that acupuncture patients suffered fewer attacks and needed fewer doses of traditional asthma drugs, he said.

v. + dose >>共 151
take 10.70%
get 9.58%
receive 8.03%
give 6.76%
use 4.08%
need 3.38%
miss 3.38%
administer 2.82%
prescribe 2.11%
inject 2.11%
need + n. >>共 1266
help 4.02%
approval 3.29%
money 2.97%
surgery 1.77%
support 1.47%
time 1.37%
change 1.32%
treatment 1.20%
attention 1.06%
lot 0.97%
dose 0.10%
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