11.   Those reported to have been arrested included a naval officer and Daniel Narcisse.

12.   A retired naval officer, he was in charge of the army of stewards and marshals, all volunteers.

13.   A FORMER naval officer was yesterday found guilty of threatening to blow up the BBC.

14.   Arizona Sen. John McCain has confessed to having been a hell-raiser when he was at the Naval Academy and during his early years as a naval officer.

15.   As a naval officer he was given to bursts of insubordination that cost him considerably.

16.   As a naval officer serving in the Pentagon, he worked to develop more efficient accounting systems.

17.   As he outgrew his childhood ailments, he set his mind on becoming a naval officer.

18.   As for the Navy Cross, the second highest medal any Naval officer can receive, Higley never came close.

19.   Billeted in southeast Asia and increasingly frustrated by a losing war, a whole generation of naval officers began carousing in the sleazy bars of Bangkok and the Philippines.

20.   A confidential review by American naval officers has found that Taiwan needs a significant infusion of weapons, including the Aegis system.

a. + officer >>共 587
military 12.15%
senior 7.98%
former 3.63%
the 3.55%
chief 2.26%
retired 1.74%
naval 1.59%
top 1.59%
israeli 1.57%
russian 1.51%
naval + n. >>共 388
base 15.48%
vessel 8.38%
officer 6.63%
force 5.74%
exercise 4.72%
ship 3.77%
blockade 2.64%
gunboat 2.11%
operation 1.94%
patrol 1.75%
每页显示:    共 238