11.   Not even the most ardent proponents of Dolby Digital have urged that system for music recording.

12.   Other states give classical music recordings to newborns or require state-funded day-care centers to play it.

13.   Roughly the same pattern emerged from questions about rating music recordings and video games.

14.   That brief audition afforded a very encouraging glimpse into the future of music recording in the multichannel era.

15.   The next generation of music players will be able to tell pirated songs from newly manufactured music recordings and refuse playback.

16.   The recording industry is at war with Napster, whose software enables Internet users to swap popular music recordings without paying for them.

17.   The system would also enable a new generation of cell phones that could easily download videos or music recordings for later use.

18.   The United States says that music recordings are protected under the WTO agreement on trade-related intellectual property rights.

19.   The United States says music recordings are protected under the WTO agreement on trade-related intellectual property rights.

20.   This underground bazaar offers up everything from fake Gucci bags and belts to illegal copies of American software, music recordings and books.

n. + recording >>共 140
voice 11.68%
music 10.54%
cockpit 7.12%
studio 4.84%
opera 3.42%
cast 2.28%
telephone 2.28%
field 1.71%
police 1.71%
quality 1.71%
music + n. >>共 810
industry 7.06%
director 5.71%
business 5.19%
fan 2.56%
lover 2.53%
festival 2.52%
company 2.40%
scene 2.12%
store 1.97%
critic 1.94%
recording 0.54%
每页显示:    共 37