11.   China garrisons hundreds of thousands of troops in these regions to enforce the unity and stability that Beijing demands, but also to muffle the sounds of dissent.

12.   How can I muffle that sound?

13.   It also recalls the need to muffle the sound of the feet of Jews meeting secretly under the Inquisition in Spain.

14.   Its stage floor was designed to muffle the sound of dancing feet.

15.   Mattresses lined the walls to muffle the sounds of the roosters.

16.   So Richardson has taped the barrel of her bat to muffle the sound.

17.   Sounds are muffled, especially traffic.

18.   Snow muffled the sounds of street life and chilled us into hiding in hibernation.

19.   Technology has also been developed to muffle sound in Japan.

20.   The auditorium still resonates with hammering, sawing and drilling, but the sounds are muffled by carpeting.

v. + sound >>共 548
hear 16.44%
make 9.44%
produce 2.84%
like 2.70%
have 2.22%
muffle 1.55%
record 1.46%
use 1.37%
create 1.24%
include 0.97%
muffle + n. >>共 71
sound 23.18%
voice 7.95%
noise 6.62%
scream 3.97%
cry 2.65%
call 2.65%
word 2.65%
gunshot 1.99%
protest 1.99%
speech 1.99%
每页显示:    共 35