11.   Signaling mounting U.S. frustration in the face of escalating Israeli attacks against Palestinians, Powell urged the Israeli leader to change course in pursuit of peace.

12.   Some legislators who signed the manifesto said they did it after mounting frustrations at being ignored by government officials.

13.   The clash between Classic Sports and Cablevision underscores the mounting frustration of programmers, who are clamoring to get a slot on overcrowded cable systems.

14.   The incident also proved to be the breaking point in mounting Palestinian frustrations with the lack of movement in carrying out the peace accords.

15.   The soldiers, in mounting frustration and disgust, are trying to do their job whatever it turns out to be.

16.   Their mounting frustration and anger in the face of seeming indifference by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu led to the carnage this week between Palestinians and Israelis.

17.   Theirs becomes a sad, often tragic story, apparently destined to be played and replayed in these times of swollen population and mounting frustration.

18.   When the day was over, Hofstra had humbly recorded its biggest victory in years, and Iona had slipped further into a season of mounting frustration.

19.   All the plays are comedies, and in that is their saving grace, providing an officially sanctioned outlet for mounting frustration.

20.   Economic difficulties have often served as a trigger for mounting frustration that is directed against religious minorities.

a. + frustration >>共 297
growing 9.09%
palestinian 3.91%
mounting 3.34%
pent-up 3.11%
deep 2.76%
increasing 2.76%
public 2.53%
great 2.19%
expressed 1.96%
similar 1.84%
mounting + n. >>共 412
pressure 13.01%
tension 6.01%
criticism 5.39%
loss 5.23%
evidence 4.95%
debt 4.72%
concern 4.52%
problem 2.16%
opposition 2.08%
call 1.69%
frustration 1.14%
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