11.   The earthquake was felt over most of Ecuador and numerous roadways were blocked by landslides in the mountain provinces of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua.

n. + province >>共 102
rebel 38.21%
majority 8.95%
secessionist 5.85%
border 4.82%
island 4.13%
el-minya 2.41%
week 2.24%
frontier 2.24%
rogue 2.07%
mountain 1.89%
mountain + n. >>共 585
road 6.58%
village 5.59%
pass 4.96%
bike 4.78%
snow 3.95%
peak 2.92%
slope 2.69%
town 2.55%
climber 2.31%
resort 2.27%
province 0.22%
每页显示:    共 11