11.   Is it morbid curiosity?

12.   Kim France, editor of New York-based Lucky Magazine, is a bit put off by the morbid curiosity of the visitors.

13.   Many clearly have a morbid curiosity about the tragic scene and have traveled far to look at it.

14.   Morbid curiosity lurks within all of us.

15.   Must every president from here on live with a press driven downward by competition in morbid curiosity?

16.   Obviously envy is part of it, and morbid curiosity and a robust appetite for scandal.

17.   Some go out of morbid curiosity.

18.   Their reasons for bidding ranged from basic need to morbid curiosity to commercial intent.

19.   Warhol focused on stars, Richter on victims, usually, whom he regarded with a kind of unsentimental pity and morbid curiosity.

20.   With the same morbid curiosity that makes people slow down and stare at car wrecks, the mother of three said she was drawn to it like a magnet.

a. + curiosity >>共 235
intellectual 8.28%
morbid 4.34%
historical 3.75%
idle 3.55%
scientific 3.35%
mere 2.96%
insatiable 2.37%
intense 2.37%
great 2.17%
natural 2.17%
morbid + n. >>共 76
curiosity 15.94%
fascination 9.42%
fear 7.97%
obesity 4.35%
interest 2.90%
state 2.90%
sense 2.17%
side 2.17%
way 2.17%
thought 1.45%
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