11.   The monument designations Tuesday grew out of recommendations by Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt, a former Democratic governor of Arizona.

12.   The pardon and clemency grants cannot be reversed, and the monument designations can be overturned only by an act of Congress.

13.   Time Warner had opposed the monument designation because of fear it would put a damper on the proposed sale.

14.   But the monument designations have raised controversy of their own.

15.   Carl Pope, executive director of the Sierra Club, said his group and other conservation organizations would fight any attempts in Congress to undo the monument designations.

16.   Monument designations would give greater protection to the five areas, which are already owned by the federal government.

17.   Monument designation provides increased protection against development.

18.   She said local residents worry that the monument designation could hurt ranching and timber.

19.   Sue Kupillas, a county commissioner who lives near Soda Mountain, questioned whether monument designation is needed.

20.   The Utah Republican said legislation will be introduced later this month allowing Congress to overturn monument designations.

n. + designation >>共 100
monument 10.96%
landmark 9.59%
franchise 7.76%
wilderness 7.76%
model 2.28%
player 2.28%
vineyard 1.83%
city 1.37%
heritage 1.37%
category 1.37%
monument + n. >>共 55
designation 21.43%
status 14.29%
ground 3.57%
company 2.68%
area 2.68%
builder 1.79%
amount 1.79%
dealer 1.79%
declaration 1.79%
design 1.79%
每页显示:    共 24