11.   If sanctions continue they could affect the EMI Compact Disc worksa in Swindon... at the moment they export between ten and twenty thousand discs a month to America.

12.   Mr Fitzpatrick had been looking forward for months to the holiday with his son, who attended business meetings in the US capital.

13.   Mr Fitzpatrick had been looking forward for months to a holiday in the States with his son.

14.   The UN International Atomic Energy Agency requested a special inspection after it was denied access early this month to two buildings at the Yongbyon nuclear complex.

15.   Almost a month to the day that the Red Sox acquired Carl Everett from the Houston Astros, their new center fielder showed up in Boston Thursday for introductions.

16.   Although the summer heat is not unbearable, April through June and September through December are the most pleasant months to visit.

17.   Amador is not alone as credit card issuers entice consumers by offering low rates for a few months to almost a year.

18.   Among the changes in Texas would be a new set of time limits on benefits, ranging from a few months to as much as three years.

19.   And he promised a solution within months to the hugely unpopular war in Chechnya.

20.   And even then, those are six-month to nine-month bonds, he added.

n. + to >>共 1468
trip 1.94%
end 1.15%
letter 0.93%
approach 0.86%
close 0.79%
aid 0.74%
service 0.72%
damage 0.69%
tie 0.68%
flight 0.66%
month 0.10%
month + p. >>共 75
of 38.01%
in 13.14%
for 6.77%
after 4.42%
with 3.90%
on 3.73%
by 3.54%
as 3.28%
to 3.10%
before 3.04%
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