11.   It then would pay Allen a certain amount every month from the lottery winnings.

12.   Newman gave the agency the same amount this month.

13.   Coffmann said that the Croatian government promised pay a certain amount every month for the next six months.

n. + amount >>共 380
dollar 20.09%
trace 9.29%
loan 3.70%
settlement 2.65%
year 1.71%
investment 1.61%
rain 1.42%
bail 1.33%
month 1.23%
tax 0.95%
month + n. >>共 1278
time 4.18%
more 1.36%
meeting 1.13%
election 1.00%
report 0.82%
sale 0.74%
government 0.69%
hearing 0.69%
bill 0.67%
money 0.62%
amount 0.33%
每页显示:    共 13