11.   Calculate the relative molecular mass of the gas.

12.   The relative molecular masses of non-volatile substances can be determined experimentally by colligative methods.

13.   The relative molecular masses of gases and volatile liquids can be determined accurately by use of a mass spectrometer.

14.   Relative molecular masses of gases and volatile liquids can also be found by vaporisation methods.

15.   A large glass syringe of known volume is weighed with and without the gas whose relative molecular mass is to be determined.

16.   Once again equation is used to calculate the molar mass and thus the relative molecular mass.

17.   Equation is then used to obtain the molar mass and thus the relative molecular mass.

18.   The most important are the attractive forces between molecules and the shape, structure and relative molecular mass of these molecules.

19.   Calculate the relative molecular mass of Y.

20.   Describe an experiment by which you would determine the relative molecular mass of a gas or vapour.

a. + mass >>共 563
great 3.01%
molar 2.92%
molecular 2.51%
relative 2.34%
large 1.84%
huddled 1.67%
tangled 1.59%
huge 1.42%
special 1.42%
total 1.34%
molecular + n. >>共 225
structure 7.82%
level 7.14%
mass 5.10%
study 2.38%
electronics 2.38%
technique 1.87%
motion 1.70%
mechanism 1.70%
mimicry 1.53%
hydrogen 1.36%
每页显示:    共 30