11.   But actually models work very hard.

12.   But even there, the local governments contribute at most half the cost, and Nie acknowledged that the model would not work in much of the country.

13.   But exactly how the new Napster business model will work is unclear, industry analysts said.

14.   But does the model really work?

15.   But not everyone believes the model can work.

16.   But most of the savings are not immediately apparent to the consumer, because the energy-efficient models work as well as their predecessors.

17.   But no one can say whether the old model works.

18.   But Ms. Semans, for one, is not sure that a subscription model will work in this market.

19.   But not all models will work reliably using this fix, so be sure to ask about compatibility before making a purchase.

20.   Chirac has recently suggested that a German model might work in France.

n. + work >>共 1142
system 2.89%
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team 1.18%
man 1.09%
group 1.02%
employee 1.02%
model 0.21%
model + v. >>共 541
be 29.13%
have 6.47%
come 3.04%
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