11.   State television reported that a civilian mob looted an army arsenal in southern Albania, carrying away weapons.

12.   The mob looted shops belonging to Muslims and set them on fire in Biharsharif, a town in Bihar state, Home Commissioner U.N. Panjiar said.

13.   The mob then looted and set on fire several premises, throwing out furniture, blankets and documents and burning them out of doors.

14.   The mob then looted the premises, throwing out furniture, blankets and documents and burning them out of doors.

15.   The mobs not only looted and vandalized property.

16.   The mobs looted food supplies and attacked aid workers and journalists.

17.   The United Nations warned Wednesday that Albania faces food shortages after weeks of anarchy in which mobs looted state warehouses and disrupted commerce.

18.   They stood in groups, watching as mobs looted and burned Muslim offices and homes.

19.   Witnesses said the mob looted two stores and attacked parked automobiles before police fired tear gas and warning shots to drive them back.

20.   Witnesses said the mob looted two stores and attacked parked cars before police fired warning shots to drive them back.

n. + loot >>共 102
troop 14.51%
soldier 13.46%
mob 5.80%
rebel 3.69%
crowd 2.90%
civilian 2.11%
people 2.11%
militiaman 2.11%
protester 1.85%
hundred 1.85%
mob + v. >>共 267
attack 13.44%
burn 5.39%
set 4.02%
be 3.06%
kill 2.82%
throw 2.41%
storm 2.09%
beat 1.93%
loot 1.77%
go 1.69%
每页显示:    共 22