11.   North Korean military provocations threaten to set back diplomatic progress toward peace on the divided Korean peninsula, U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen said Friday.

12.   President Kim Young-sam, accusing North Korea of repaying humanitarian aid with a military provocation, called Tuesday for international retaliation against the communist state.

13.   Some U.S. military officials express private concerns that the North could be planning some military provocation as a pretext for forcing direct peace talks that would snub South Korea.

14.   South Korean Defense Minister Lee Yang-ho ordered the army Thursday to tighten security along the border against what he said were increasing North Korean military provocations.

15.   South Korean President Kim Young-sam said Monday he feared economic hardship in impoverished North Korea could lead the communist state to military provocation against the South.

16.   South Korea warns of possible military provocation by the North.

17.   The incident deepened fears of military provocations from the North.

18.   The North has been denouncing as a military provocation recent joint war exercises and other military cooperation between Seoul and Washington.

19.   The two Koreas regularly exchange accusations of military provocations along the border, but such charges have increased recently in both frequency and intensity.

20.   Voicing fears of instability in North Korea, South Korean President Kim Young-sam warned Monday against the possibility of military provocation by his communist rival.

a. + provocation >>共 126
military 9.43%
slightest 6.60%
deliberate 5.03%
iraqi 3.14%
political 3.14%
possible 2.83%
north_korean 2.83%
armed 2.52%
major 2.52%
albanian 1.89%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
provocation 0.04%
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