11. A deep layer of winds from the southwest will carry unusually mild air from the Gulf Coast to New England on Tuesday. 12. A large fair weather system in the southwest Atlantic will circulate unusually mild air into the Southeast. 13. A few showers will develop in the mild air in the afternoon ahead of a cold front in the southern Great Lakes. 14. A flow of mild Pacific air will continue to erode the very cold air mass over the northern parts of the Plains and Mississippi Valley. 15. A strong, straight jet stream flooded the nation with mild Pacific air early in the month. 16. A surge of very mild air from the south will raise temperatures well above normal from the Tennessee Valley to the Middle Atlantic region. 17. A third type of winter fog, called advection fog, forms when mild air is cooled to saturation as it passes over snow covered terrain. 18. A series of moisture-laden disturbances will bring mild air and heavy rain from central California to Washington. 19. A surge of mild air from the Pacific Ocean will spread across the Northwest. 20. A surge of very mild air will reach from the eastern Rockies to the Mississippi Valley. |