11.   MILWAUKEE - A new landmark, a wonder of architecture, graces this lovely Midwestern city.

12.   Meanwhile, older Eastern or Midwestern cities are not only traditionally more segregated, but their progress overcoming it also is slower, too.

13.   She recalled riding with the police in a Midwestern city one night when they received a call about a crazy man on a bus.

14.   That was both the weather and the Mariners making their way through this midwestern city.

15.   The attention has encouraged the center to air the ads in a large Midwestern city soon, Doyle said.

16.   The leaders chose this midwestern city for one reason and one reason alone.

17.   The pope who exudes a general holiness has taken hold of this Midwestern city from the Catholic Basilica to Baptists and evangelical churches, Muslim mosques and Jewish temples.

18.   The study also indicates that what integration is occurring in Midwestern cities may be leaving an increasing concentration of poverty in their inner cores.

19.   The truth is that Green Bay is a medium-sized Midwestern city.

20.   These two Midwestern cities known for their barbecue fame have a lot in common.

a. + city >>共 756
major 7.66%
big 5.16%
southern 3.27%
northern 2.49%
large 2.04%
american 1.82%
palestinian 1.67%
largest 1.47%
the 1.37%
entire 1.31%
midwestern 0.18%
midwestern + n. >>共 260
state 17.44%
city 5.91%
farmer 4.47%
town 4.03%
battleground 2.31%
weather 2.02%
crop 1.87%
factory 1.87%
farm 1.87%
manufacturer 1.87%
每页显示:    共 41