11.   In the first, even without penetrating hits, the hail of microscopic particles causes wear and tear equivalent to three years of normal operation.

12.   It is coated with microscopic particles of metal that act as miniature reflectors.

13.   It can range in size from invisible microscopic particles to grains of sand.

14.   It was at Bell Labs that Chu met Arthur Ashkin, who was trapping microscopic particles with laser light and who dreamed of trapping atoms.

15.   Most droplets that freeze contain a microscopic particle, called a freezing nuclei, that mimics the crystallite structure of ice.

16.   Over time, microscopic particles of the polyethylene break lose and work their way between the rod attachment and the bone, damaging bone cells and weakening the implant.

17.   The haze, which contains microscopic particles of soot that can become lodged in the lungs, has bedeviled Texas for more than a week.

18.   The ink is actually microscopic particles embedded in the paper, inside tiny capsules, that flip over in response to changes in an electric field.

19.   The industry lobbyists counter that the government has no firm scientific evidence of a link between those illnesses and microscopic particles in the air.

20.   The standards, proposed in November by the Environmental Protection Agency, would impose tighter controls on harmful vehicle and industrial emissions that create smog and microscopic particles.

a. + particle >>共 321
tiny 7.84%
small 5.86%
fine 4.73%
airborne 3.78%
radioactive 2.46%
microscopic 2.36%
smaller 2.27%
new 2.08%
minute 1.98%
atomic 1.70%
microscopic + n. >>共 279
organism 4.27%
examination 4.12%
particle 3.82%
life 2.90%
plant 2.75%
analysis 1.98%
creature 1.53%
parasite 1.53%
level 1.53%
alga 1.37%
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