11.   For some erstwhile Conservative voters, the message seems to be getting through.

12.   From all points, the message seems clear.

13.   Given recent events, which message seems louder?

14.   Here, the message also seems to be that big news for consumers is sometimes no news at all for investors.

15.   His message seemed carefully crafted to placate negotiating partners and domestic environmentalists without baiting powerful business interests and congressional rivals.

16.   His message seems to have sunk in.

17.   House Speaker Thomas M. Finneran has warned that deep cuts will be necessary if taxes are not increased, and that message seems to be sinking in.

18.   In any case, racially and sexually insensitive messages seem to be on the decline, Dundes, Henwood and several Wall Streeters say.

19.   In the past, the GOP message often seemed more attuned to the concerns of corporate boardrooms, the stockholder class, and white-collar managers.

20.   It only annoys the reader and makes the message seem like junk mail.

n. + seem >>共 1552
people 2.07%
investor 1.12%
thing 1.12%
side 0.82%
official 0.77%
player 0.72%
government 0.62%
team 0.61%
company 0.60%
problem 0.59%
message 0.23%
message + v. >>共 436
be 41.06%
come 4.04%
leave 3.51%
appear 2.43%
get_through 2.31%
seem 2.28%
have 2.14%
say 1.73%
reach 1.17%
go 1.14%
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