11.   The merger requires approval by Savannah Foods shareholders, and the companies expect the transaction to be completed in October.

12.   The merger requires shareholder and regulatory approval.

13.   The merger requires the approval of the members of Nasdaq and Amex.

14.   The merger still requires approval of Upjohn shareholders.

15.   The merger requires approval from a host of regulators, including state public service commissions, state attorneys general, the Justice Department and the Federal Communications Commission.

16.   The merger requires approval from various federal departments and agencies, as well as from the state Banking Department.

17.   The merger requires the support of a two-thirds majority of members, as well as regulatory approval.

18.   The merger still requires approval of AirTouch and U S West directors and shareholders, the Internal Revenue Service and Justice Department.

19.   The merger still requires stockholder and regulatory approval.

20.   The merger requires regulatory and other approvals and is expected to be completed by yearend.

n. + require >>共 1117
law 13.33%
rule 3.41%
bill 2.73%
plan 1.63%
regulation 1.59%
state 1.57%
agreement 1.50%
government 1.31%
job 1.25%
measure 1.18%
merger 0.37%
merger + v. >>共 356
be 22.72%
create 4.63%
go 3.06%
make 2.92%
have 2.78%
come 2.71%
take 2.54%
give 2.54%
require 1.84%
result 1.84%
每页显示:    共 53