11.   It was our first cruise, and one that every family member enjoyed.

12.   Its leading members enjoyed privileged access to political office, inside business deals, and high-level protection from criminal prosecution.

13.   Members of Congress enjoy a generous two-pronged retirement system that combines Social Security with another, corporate-style benefit.

14.   Members of Congress enjoy their leverage over the FAA, bringing home bacon to their constituents in the form of instrument landing systems, new runways and the like.

15.   Naturally, members of Congress enjoyed receiving millions in PAC contributions from all these welfare-favored industries.

16.   The level of insurance benefits enjoyed by members of Congress and federal employees was a benchmark used by liberals and conservatives as they debated health-care reform.

17.   While many older club members enjoy entertaining guests in a club dining room, younger members often prefer trendy restaurants.

18.   An RST Alumni member enjoys benefits from the Reliance Group such as travel discounts and special tours.

19.   Among the perks of office enjoyed by members of the Russian parliament is immunity from prosecution.

20.   As a state governor, Haider has no immunity from prosecution, which members of parliament enjoy.

n. + enjoy >>共 1034
people 4.32%
child 2.85%
company 2.55%
country 2.16%
fan 1.88%
player 1.61%
family 1.55%
kid 1.19%
man 1.11%
team 1.08%
member 0.86%
member + v. >>共 800
be 14.84%
say 8.92%
have 3.40%
include 1.50%
vote 1.26%
want 1.09%
take 1.09%
agree 1.03%
meet 0.93%
make 0.78%
enjoy 0.13%
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