11.   As an adult he became an activist for the medical use of marijuana, starting a cannibis buyers club in San Diego.

12.   At issue is an injunction sought by the Clinton administration to stop the cooperative from distributing marijuana for medical use.

13.   Backers of medical uses of marijuana have tried repeatedly to get the government to ease those restrictions, but have failed repeatedly.

14.   Banned even for medical use in the United States, Rohypnol is becoming one of the latest popular underground drugs, experts say.

15.   A physicist through and through, he scorned dilettantes and had no interest in going outside his field to explore medical uses of the X-ray.

16.   Administrative mistakes can also allow bad blood to find its way into medical use.

17.   Advocates of the medical use of marijuana say the drug is effective in combatting the nausea of chemotherapy and the wasting syndrome of AIDS.

18.   After prodding from activists promoting the medical use of psychedelic drugs, he decided to take the challenge.

19.   Although Congress and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration have insisted that marijuana has no accepted medical uses, that argument has been disputed.

20.   Both compounds have legitimate medical uses.

a. + use >>共 678
widespread 3.34%
good 2.98%
personal 2.43%
commercial 2.17%
possible 2.13%
increased 1.82%
new 1.81%
military 1.79%
better 1.59%
medical 1.52%
medical + n. >>共 511
care 6.21%
treatment 5.57%
school 3.21%
supply 2.99%
expert 1.92%
center 1.90%
record 1.79%
team 1.76%
attention 1.68%
equipment 1.67%
use 0.54%
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