11.   These include prohibiting IOC members from visiting cities competing to host the Olympics, a measure intended to cut out bribes and gifts to the voting members.

12.   Tobacco Institute spokesman Thomas Lauria has called it an illegal measure intended to harass the industry.

13.   Concerned about increases in consumer prices, the Polish government Friday announced measures intended to prevent food prices from rising further.

14.   In a weekly report, the company said it seemed the market will not pick up until the government implements measures intended to stimulate trade.

15.   Israel insists the closures are security measures intended to keep would-be bombers out of its cities.

16.   Italy on Friday banned most beef imports from France, a measure intended to prevent so-called mad cow disease from spreading in the country.

17.   The state of siege prohibits public meetings of three or more people, a measure intended to prevent more demonstrations.

18.   The White House issued its second veto threat Thursday on Mexican trucks legislation, the latest against a Senate measure intended to be a compromise.

19.   While faithfully carrying out IMF austerity measures intended to clean up the financial system, he has seen the currency hit new lows.

20.   At present, Hong Kong people can stage a march or rally provided they notify police, a measure primarily intended to allow crowd and traffic control.

n. + intend >>共 801
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measure 0.77%
measure + v. >>共 748
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include 6.45%
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go 2.58%
require 2.05%
allow 1.63%
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